
Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in this blog are not the views of Samaritan’s Purse, World Medical Mission, or Serge.

Monday, August 1, 2022

Travelogue, Part 3 - Utah and Montana

 As we have adjusted back to life in North America, I've been keeping a list of things that surprised me on "re-entry" - some new things, and some old things that I had forgotten:

- Walking outside and discovering that it is raining (this would never happen in Kenya, as the "mabati" sheet metal roof amplifies even the lightest rainfall; as an aside, there is no "Weather Channel" in Kapsowar)

- American toilet paper. And, American toilet paper commercials. ?!?

- Vegan shoes. I'm pretty sure when I left North America in 2019, vegan was primarily a term used to describe dietary choices...

- Free wifi in every public space - except that now that everyone has unlimited wifi on their phones, less places are actually offering free wifi (which poses a problem when you haven't yet gotten a US phone and are trying to stay connected off of free wifi...)

- Fat free half-and-half?? Back when I didn't go to culinary school, half-and-half was by definition the combination of equal parts whole milk and cream.

- So many comments...maybe this is what happens when you consume fat-free half-and-half? You need a toilet capable of flushing not one, but 7 billiard balls in one flush?!?

- Natural chicken, which is apparently chicken that has been kept on a strict vegetarian diet and then slaughtered so that you can eat it. I'll just say that we live next door to a flock of very healthy, very well kept, and very happy (from the looks of it) chickens. Chickens are not by nature vegetarian, which in my opinion makes "natural" chicken about as un-natural as you can get...

Anyway, back to our travels! We have visited friends and family in Utah, Montana, Chicago, and many places in between. Here are some photos from July, in no particular order.

Visiting with friends in Utah

First rodeo! There was a lot to see

Driving the John Deere with Grandpa

Riding "Frosty"

We saw Canada Geese on Canada Day in Salt Lake City! (They're in the background, trust me)